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Milano 1963/1973. Ediz. Italiana E Inglese
Autore:Cerati Carla Calvenzi Giovanna

EAN: 9791280336163
ISBN: 1280336161
Editore: Humboldt Books
Collana: Time Travel
Formato: libri   
20.00 € -20%
16.00 €

milan 1963: the economic boom quickens the pulse of the city. carla cerati records the changes underway: from the central station, emigrants spread out towards the suburbs. new neighbourhoods and new habits are formed. milan becomes the capital of consumerism, with department stores preaching a different way of life. but there is also the city that practises the unchanging ritual of la scala, and a new bourgeoisie depicted at inaugurations and cocktail parties. then comes the great political season, with student demonstrations and workers walking out of the factories in protest. her photographs thus took on a more social and political slant. the funeral of roberto franceschi in 1973 was to mark the close of a fervent period that has now become legendary. through her photographs, carla cerati served one of its key eyewitnesses.
Aquarium Is A Listening Glass. Ediz. Illustrata (the)
Autore:Aa.vv. Carver L. E. (cur.) Rui A. (cu

EAN: 9791280336187
Editore: Humboldt Books
Collana: Globetrotter
Formato: libri   
18.00 € -20%
14.40 €

a listening glass is a playful, makeshift device used to amplify voices through a surface. adapted from a tool that would ordinarily hold water and be transparent, it is a technology that parallels that of the aquarium itself. this book features several short, non-linear tales set amid science archives, natural history museums, underwater stations, nationat aquaria, oceanic infrastructure and field research projects. they evoke the listening glass as an instrument for tuning in to voices, revealing human-marine animai relationships that would otherwise remain unheard. how can design facilitate multispecies alliances in new ways, working towards forms of mediation conducive to a thriving, living world?
Copertine Di Urania. Ediz. Illustrata (le)
Autore:Mari Michele

EAN: 9791280336132
Editore: Humboldt Books
Collana: Globetrotter
Formato: libri   
17.00 € -20%
13.60 €

nata nel 1952, urania e` stata la collana editoriale che ha fatto conoscere la fantascienza agli italiani. milioni di persone si sono tuffate nelle storie di mondi immaginari e di avventure che hanno acceso la fantasia dei piu` giovani. tra questi il futuro scrittore michele mari che, anni dopo, ha rievocato quelle esperienze in un racconto. proponiamo oggi quel testo arricchito dalle fotografie ai libri della collezione di mari, realizzate in collaborazione con stefano graziani, e da un approfondimento di luca pitoni sulla storia grafica della collana, caratterizzata dall`iconico cerchio rosso in copertina. nata nell`atmosfera fervida della redazione mondadori degli anni del boom economico, urania e` una collana che ha contribuito a costruire nell`immaginario collettivo l`idea di fantascienza come la conosciamo oggi.
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