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Instant Italiano In English The Funny And Easy Way To Learn Italian
Siano Emy Catanese Patrizia
Editore: Gribaudo
Collana: Straordinariamente
Formato: libri   
17.90 €      

a complete and practical italian course, designed both for those who wish to move and work in italy and for anyone who just wants to visit it as a tourist. instant italiano contains not only grammar rules, exercises and amusing anecdotes about the bel paese and italians, but also myths and legends of a country that never goes out of fashion. thanks to its cheerful and light hearted tone, together with many illustrations and drawings, memorization will be even easier and funnier! assimilate the typical italian expressions and idioms. acquire basic italian grammar. learn everything you need to know about food, places and the most important traditions. go to the website and find out the many additional contents pointed out in the text!
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